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Improving Growth and Reducing NEC Risk in Infants with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023 

12:30-1:30pm ET | Walter E. Washington Convention Center | Room 149AB

Patients with a Single Ventricle Physiology (SVP) face significant short- and long-term growth challenges, particularly between the first- and second-staged surgical palliation. Suboptimal growth is multifactorial, but due in part to institutional variation in perioperative feeding initiation and advancement protocols, volume restriction of feeds, and inadequate caloric density. Furthermore, many of these infants are at increased risk for feeding problems owing to postoperative complications including marginal cardiac output, vocal cord paralysis, prolonged intubation, gastroesophageal reflux, and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). This program will discuss the importance of nutrition, emerging data, and the benefits of early fortification and optimization of an exclusive human milk diet as it pertains to patients with SVP.



  • The Impact of Nutrition and Current Practices – Lindsey Justice DNP, APRN, CPNP-AC
  • Emerging Evidence on Exclusive Human Milk in High-Risk CHD Infants – Megan Horsley, RD, CSP, CNSC, LD
  • From Clinical Trial to Clinical Practice: Patient Case Discussion – David Cooper MD, MPH


David Cooper Headshot

David S. Cooper, MD, MPH

Medical Director, The Heart Institute Medical Director, Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Medical Director, Cardiac Anesthesia Recovery Unit Division of Cardiology - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Professor of Pediatrics - University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Megan Horsley-1

Megan Horsley, RD, CSP, CNSC, LD

Registered Dietitian, Division of Nutritional Therapy, Cincinnati Children's Hospital

Lindsey Justice Headshot

Lindsey Justice, DNP, APRN, CPNP-AC 

APP Clinical Manager for CICU and Acute Care Cardiology The Heart Institute - Cincinnati Children’s Hospital   



  1. Review the impact of nutrition and current feeding practices for infants born with congenital heart disease (CHD).
  2. Discuss new data on the exclusive human milk diet for patients with CHD.
  3. Share clinical experience regarding an exclusive human milk diet in term infants and implement optimized nutrition into your clinical practice today.



This 1-hour program is designed for the healthcare professional involved in the care of infants with single ventricle physiology, congenital heart disease, and/or undergoing cardiac surgery.




*This event is not part of WCPCCS 2023 as planned by the WCPCCS Program Committee. This event is neither sponsored nor endorsed by WCPCCS.

Thank you for your interest. Please register below to attend our symposium.

At this time, we have reached maximum capacity. We invite you to join the waitlist should we be able to secure a larger venue.