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Participating Hospitals


Varying in size, geographic setting, patient population, and funding levels.

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Children's Hospital - Richmond, VA

NICU Admissions: 450/year 

VLBW Births: 80-100/year 

Children's Hospital - Columbia, MO

NICU Admissions: 600-700/year 

VLBW Births: 80-100/year 

Children's Hospital - Louisville, KY

NICU Admissions: 1180-1450/year 

VLBW Births: 150-250/year 

Military Hospital - Tacoma, WA

NICU Admissions: 230/year 

VLBW Births: 16-20/year 

University Hospital - Albany, NY

NICU Admissions: 800/year 

VLBW Births: 140/year 

University Hospital - Louisville, KY

NICU Admissions: 445/year 

VLBW Births: 60/year 

University Hospital - Charlottesville, VA

NICU Admissions: 700/year 

VLBW Births: 120/year 

Hear from the hospitals

 About Prolacta

Prolacta Bioscience is the world’s leading hospital provider of 100% human milk–based nutritional products. Available to hospitals since 2006, our fortifiers changed the standard of care for extremely premature infants worldwide and are the first nutritional fortifiers made from 100% donor milk instead of cow milk.

To learn more, visit Prolacta.com.